The Quick Fix

The quickest clean-up for a polluted marriage, the quick fix.

It's funny now. Or sad. Or both….

Michael and I both agreed that since I was an expert—a professional psychologist, coach, and a big meditator—I should figure out all the family's problems.

And then simply tell him what to do.

He had other stuff to do. He was busy running a business.

So, he delegated the job of 'figuring out life' to me.

Lots of families have similar agreements that the wife is the expert of the children, the family psychologist, and the spiritual heart of the family.

Comedians joke about this. In fact, there are whole sitcoms based on this joke, that the man should 'just do what the wife says.'

But Byron Katie says:

"I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God's"

I didn't know I was that I wasn't minding my own business.

I didn't know it, but I was infantilizing him.

Even though so many women take on this role—it's actually not healthy for the guy or the relationship.

Not surprisingly, he disconnected from me in a million little ways. He felt irritated and unappreciated. He was depressed and lost his confidence.

A criticism here, a sarcastic look, an eye rolled, an argument — before we knew it, we are living in misery.

No intimacy, no romance, no sex. Our relationship was polluted.

We had polluted it through poor communication skills.

Poor problem-solving skills.

Quite unconsciously.

When I stopped treating him like a child, he naturally wanted to be responsible.


It works almost immediately—if you stop giving life suggestions, critiquing, bossing, controlling, figuring out, psychoanalyzing your intimate partner. Stop thinking you know what they need to do.

When they ask you, simply say, "Whatever you think."

Because his life, his choices, ACTUALLY ARE "whatever he thinks." His choices are the only ones that will make his life work. If you wish for him to make optimal choices, this is the best approach.

No two of us are meant to make the same choices along the way.

Each of us has our own individual lessons to learn along the way.


If your inner-knowing is your best compass, the same is true for everyone else as well.

Your intimate partner can't find his inner-voice if you are talking over it.

If you want a quickie fix—this is it. Try just this for a few weeks and see the transformation.

Non-critiquing, no suggestion, is so fundamental that it works quickly.

The love was there all along. But you can't grow a garden in polluted soil.

Love needs a healthy environment in which to thrive, and then it can thrive quite naturally.

If you simply stop, have a self-imposed moratorium—you will be amazed at how fast things change for the better in your marriage.

SIMPLY STOPPING critiquing is NOT going to give you the capacity for self-compassion or the capacity to connect deeply with your intimate partner—but it will be the biggest, fastest change you will see.

THIS IS THE QUICK FIX. It is the quickest clean-up for a polluted marriage.